You are hereAgenda 2017
Meeting Agenda - 2017 Meeting of the Small Angle Scattering Validation Task Force 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Review of recent communications, activities and plans for 2017 3. Reporting on and deposition of SAS data and models
a. Is the discussion of methods for assessing quality of fit for models (including χ-2, variations of χ-2, CorMap) adequate? Which among the potential reportable parameters can be agreed? 4. Where should we publish our recommendations once finalised? a. Acta D was proposed for the current manuscript based on the fact that it is a follow up to the preliminary guidelines from 2012, will have strong support from the editor (Ted Baker), is also of an appropriate length and structure, and likely would be open access by virtue of the subject matter (to be checked). 5. Discussion of topics for potential sub-group activities: a. Model scattering profiles from pdb coordinates 6. Validation of models based on combined analysis of NMR and SAXS data. a. Members of the wwPDB NMR task force is meeting in New Hampshire Friday June 16, at the Grand Summit Hotel at Sunday River, Newby Maine (GRC on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR) and have tentatively put on this topic on their agenda. Can anyone from this group attend? 7. Other business